Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Taking Responsibility

Hosting my Monday night weekly personal development teleclass last night, the interaction on the call was fantastic. The topic was Taking Responsibility.
When we look at those 2 words, what is the first thought that comes to you? If you are like so many of us, you are thinking, "What did I do in the past, maybe to somebody that I should apologize for?" And in taking responsibility, that truly is part of it.
But looking back, we have to ask ourselves, how many choices we made in our past with good intentions, but the result wasn't what we had hoped for. And here we stand, disappointed, ashamed, full of guilt. But, what happens if looking at that situation and realize, at the time, we made the best choice we could with the information and the circumstances as they were.

And, the real kicker, "Did I learn the lesson that was disguised in that experience?"

Because, when we are able to make peace with our past and everything in it, there is something magical that happens.

Part of the 12 step recovery movement is the Serenity Prayer:
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
 The courage to change the things I can,
 And the wisdom to know the difference."

Great, but what does that mean?
Serenity to accept what I cannot change; IS TO ACCEPT THE PAST, I CANNOT CHANGE IT!
The courage to change the things I can; IS ME IN THE PRESENT!

Forgiveness and letting go of the judgments of the past is not only the key to accepting and taking responsibility for it;
It opens a new door that allows us to realize the real game in life is to learn to take responsibility for our future.
And that's responsibilty for all of it; our relationships, our parenting, our businesses, our recreation, our health, nutrition and fitness.
Let the past go, make peace with it, be grateful for the lessons learned in the experience, but take responsibility for you present and future starting today, right now this moment!

As a direct sales corporate trainer and personal development coach, I love helping people realize how much in life we have to be excited and passionate about!

Til next time,Dream Huge, I Do!

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