Interesting how many different forms of communication we readily have at our fingertips today. Phones, faxes, emails, im's, social media, and the list goes on and on.
I am a real student of language and while working with people, am amazed when I observe how someone's language and particularly how they speak about themselves can directly have an effect on the circumstances of their life. It's almost as though the negative self talk is there in case of failure, and what we discover, is that it is the driving force in failure.
When caught up in negative talk, it is an indicator of an increased amount of self-doubt. This self-doubt grows in various forms and crumbles the human spirit.
Our focus as coaches is to provide tools to empower confidence and I am a firm believer that it starts with the language we use to and about ourselves.
One of the greatest tools in accomplishing this is the use of 'positive affirmations'. In the Elevate Life Achievement Course, chapter 6 is 'Make A Statement'. I quote, "Affirmations are simple positive statements that you can say aloud or silently. That's it. Sounds too easy, right? This doesn't have to be difficult......Here's how they work. Affirmations are thought builders. Little foundations you begin laying brick by brick upon each repetition. Your mind can take only one thought at any given time so an affirmation grabs your consciousness, prevents or counteracts thoughts to take hold and directs them toward your desired result."
Affirmations become more powerful if you write them and read them over and over during a certain period of time. It takes practice. This is about creating new habits that empower to replace those that disempower. Positive Affirmation vs Negative Self Talk. You'll be amazed at how easily either one of these can become the victor. REPETITION is the answer. Tip your scales toward positive affirmation and watch magical things begin to happen.
Here's some that have been helpful to me:
*I am Divinely guided in all my decisions today!
*My past slips away easily and effortlessly as move toward my goals!
*When I make good decisions, good things happen!
*Everything always works out for me!
"It's the repetition of affirmations that lead to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen"_ Claude M. Bristol
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